SF Bouquets to Art

Views: 508

Let’s all support our local Bouquets to Art, opening next week – online! (Information below taken directly from their website).

Join Bouquets to Art online June 1–7, as museum curators, conservators, and featured florists bring your favorite floral content to the comfort of your own home! Programs include featured talks, floral-themed games, interactive demos, and more. These programs will be offered via Facebook and Instagram live. Visit Virtual Bouquets to Art for a full list of offerings and to sign up. They are offering exclusive digital events for donors.

Bravo to the DeYoung for making the digital transition so we don’t have to miss Bouquets to Art this year. We hope it’s a huge success!

Screen Shot 2020-05-27 at 9.57.03 AMFor those of you who aren’t familiar with this special spring event, check out “What is Bouquets to Art”? with Docent Maureen Murray Fox to learn more…

And here are the programs for next week:

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