Garden Conservancy Luncheon

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Carolyn and I co-chaired a luncheon last week in the Napa Valley to introduce our friends to the Garden Conservancy. After a delicious lunch, Benjamin Lenhardt, Chairman of the Board of Directors presented “Why Gardens Are Important”,  a really interesting overview of the history of gardens – complete with beautiful photographs of historical and current gardens, why beautiful gardens matter and how the Garden Conservancy supports the mission of preserving beautiful gardens across the country.

Before lunch, we had a tour and presentation by the head gardener at a local private club, in their amazing vegetable garden. He discussed the importance of organic gardening, using non-GMO seeds, seed saving, and creating quality soil through composting. Below, he is discussing what to do with fava beans once they have matured and flowered.

After we had had adequate time to tour the vegetable garden and all of our questions had been answered, we moved into one of their many beautiful building spaces, where we enjoyed lunch and listened to Ben’s presentation.

We put together goodie bags that included packets of heirloom vegetable seeds, Garden Conservancy wild flower seeds, plant identification markers and – of course – some chocolate.

It was a great event bringing together professional and amateur garden enthusiasts. Afterall, who doesn’t love fellow gardeners, walking through a great vegetable garden, enjoying a good meal and looking at beautiful pictures of gardens?!? Thank you, weather, for cooperating :).

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