An abundance of Onions

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This past week, we harvested the rest of our onions. You would think I would have learned my lesson about planting more than I need after a prior year’s crazy fava bean experience, but NO. I don’t know what we were thinking to plant so many onions! We finally had to pull them out of the beds to make room for my spring vegetable planting. You can see that they were various sizes, but all will be good whether large or small.

IMG_0464 2Onions from just one bed!

Once we pulled them from the beds, we cut them down, washed them off and let them sun dry around the perimeter of some of my beds.

IMG_0465So the big question for me now is: what do I do with all of these onions?!? Here are 10 ideas I found online, which are easy to make and find recipes for. Since we’re all Sheltering in Place, we need cooking to be easy!

  1. French onion soup
  2. Tarts: red onion/feta/olive, beet/carmelized onion, tomato/carmelized onion, mushroom/carmelized onion/proscuito
  3. Carmelized carrots and onions
  4. Cabbage with bacon and onions
  5. Pickled onions
  6. Roasted squash and red onion pasta
  7. Onion rings
  8. Fritata with onion and just about anything
  9. Onion jam
  10. Camelized onion dip

I’m not sure I can use them all up with these recipes alone, so I’ve learned that I can also freeze them. They say to chop them and lay them out in one layer of a cooking sheet in the freezer. Once they freeze,  you can store them in ziplock bags in the freezer.

The good news is that they will keep for awhile in a cool place!



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