And the winner is…

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Tomato season is winding down and it’s time to evaluate the tomato varieties I planted this year to determine what I will plant next year. I chose six this summer: Sun Sugar, Sweet 100s, Old Brooks, New Girl, Gold Medal and San Marzano.

To me, Sun Sugar and Sweet 100s are staple varieties. I can’t imagine my garden without these sweet, small tomatoes. So that leaves four to choose for next year.

Old Brooks and New Girl ended up being so similar – in look and taste – that I will choose only one of them next year. I don’t have a preference between the two. They are both red, round and sweet.

San Marzano resembles a Roma tomato and is perfect for use in sauces. This is the second year I chose this variety and its generous supply of tomatoes throughout the summer makes it a favorite of mine.

The winner this year? Gold Medal! What a wonderful surprise it was in my garden. The tomatoes are large and flavorful. Typically when I’ve grown large tomatoes, I don’t get many tomatoes as all of the energy of the plant seems to go into a few – and very few – tomatoes. Gold Medal is different. I had a lot of these yellow tomatoes with red shading. They’re the perfect combination of beautiful, plentiful and delicious.

Gold Medal, along with my other favorites – Sweet 100s, Sun Sugar and San Marzano – will definitely be in my garden next year.

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