Apple Juice

Views: 366

My apple trees have been producing a delicious variety of apples for a couple of months now, but with fall in the air, they are literally falling off the trees.

A few years ago I found a nursery with espaliered apple trees. One tree I purchased has six main limbs all of which are a different type of semi-dwarf apple (yellow delicious, fuji, red gravenstein, red delicious, gala and braeburn). Crazy to think that someone grafted that many different varietals to rootstock and they all thrive.

Espalier is defined as “the horticultural and agricultural practice of controlling woody plant growth for the production of fruit, by pruning and tying branches to a frame, frequently in formal patterns, flat against a structure such as a wall, fence or trellis.”

Today I picked several varieties from my espaliered trees as well as my regular apple trees and made apple juice in a Breville juicer. The combination of using many different types of apples made a deliciously fresh and unique juice.

Fresh juice should be consumed within a day of preparation. Luckily, apple juice freezes really well in plastic containers.

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