Bernard Trainor

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Recently, the Garden Conservancy partnered with executive director Joan Luchese of The Gardens at Heather Farms in Walnut Creek for a fabulous 1.5 hour program by local landscape designer Bernard Trainor. The setting couldn’t have been more perfect with the backdrop of the beautiful gardens of this local jewel. The program was very well-received by the 135 in attendance. Several members of ASLA (American Association of Landscape Architects), and devotees of Bernard and his work, were in the audience. This made for fabulous questions by the audience which were technical and specific in nature (horticultural names for specific and obscure drought resistant plants in his images and how to prevent water leakage when installing pools!).

Bernard just published a new book, beautifully illustrated and headlining the new name of his firm: Ground Studio Landscapes. This book and the work contained within are gorgeous. Following the lecture, he signed books for a long line of fans until we actually ran out of books!

IMG_4461 2In Bernard’s own words, his firm “thoughtfully balances the character of the land, the identity of the architecture, and the lifestyles of people who live there.” That was patently clear when viewing his garden images and hearing how he approached each of his projects.

IMG_0540 2Bernard Trainor, Carolyn Mehran, Tessa McMillan and her sister Trish, at RBG

After Bernard’s talk, Garden Conservancy Fellows in attendance, as well as Bernard and Joan, were invited to the Ruth Bancroft Garden, located 1/2 mile way where we were guided by Garden Conservancy West Coast Council member Jane Freeman, who also sits on the board of the RBG.

IMG_0543 4Society of Fellows Kate Rittman, John Danzer and Jane Freeman

Interestingly, the RBG was the reason the Garden Conservancy was founded by Frank Cabot in 1989 and this garden became our very first preservation project. Each of us thoroughly enjoyed our guided tours through this famed succulent garden.

GpNOiVcmTma8BctLJL6w1wSociety of Fellows John Danzer (owner of Munder-Skiles), Bernard Trainor, Kate Rittman, Jane Freeman and Carolyn Mehran in the greenhouse of RBG

These partnership programs between The Garden Conservancy and local garden organizations are wonderful opportunities to commune with fellow garden lovers – and to learn. Check out the Garden Conservancy site and local garden organizations for more programs such as these. They are great fun!


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