Betsy Everdell Landscape Design

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Congratulations to my friend, Betsy Everdell, for the article about her in this month’s Nob Hill Gazette (page 30), ” Elizabeth Everdell’s Secret Garden”. Not only do I have the honor of calling her my friend, but I’ve been fortunate enough to experience her work and talent first-hand in our own San Francisco garden.

IMG_1792San Francisco is not an easy place to have a successful garden unless you have an   understanding of the various microclimates we have here – and what plants work well in each of those climates. Betsy has an intimate knowledge, having experimented in her own garden around the corner from us, as well as the gardens of several of her friends.

L1040918Our new garden on the side of our home, with emerging climbing fig at the base

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The view of our new deck garden from my office

We worked with Betsy over the past couple of years while our house was under construction. While these images don’t do our garden the justice that they should, we are very happy with our new garden and new-found green hang-out space.

Congratulations, Betsy!

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