boxwood globes

Views: 488

Recently a landscape designer visited our Napa home and suggested I add more boxwood globes to a planting bed, and remove & move a few Oakleaf Hydrangea plants that weren’t thriving in the shady bed. It was a great idea so I ordered 6 additional ‘Green Beauty’ boxwood globes from the local nursery.

They arrived this afternoon in need of a little touch-up: shaping, trimming and encouragement of undergrowth. I’ve never personally trimmed our box globes, but I was interested in trying it after watching a couple of YouTube videos on how to do it (not really that complicated, Carolyn :)).

I grabbed the only cutters I could find and started trimming away. I was told by the local nursery that if I pinch off the tips, it will force new growth in two different directions, making the plant fuller, with time.

What I should have (which my gardeners don’t have because they do our hedges with electric sheers, for better or worse…) is proper hedge trimmers.

Okay, maybe it’s not perfect, but it is better! And it only took a couple of minutes. It was actually fun to do, so I’ll be ordering those hedge trimmers…

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