Brain Tonic

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While traveling in Europe in June, I read an article about longevity in Acciaroli, Italy. The small village has over 300 centenarians with many more citizens living in their 80’s and 90’s in peak physical and mental health. Scientists have flocked to the village to study why that is.

Experts are convinced it is a combination of a Mediterranean diet, daily exercise and extensive use of herbs, primarily rosemary. They eat of diet of fish, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, olive oil and herbs and spices instead of salt. The locals infuse everything with rosemary.

Their form of exercise is also different than ours. They are not going to the gym! They are walking and biking to socialize and do errands. Many maintain their own gardens, which as Carolyn and I both know is good physically and mentally.

The photograph of Rosemary Water is available in many stores in Europe. I have not found it in San Francisco or Napa…not even on Amazon yet…but I am on the hunt for it.

I have a ton of rosemary in my garden which I pick regularly and use in cooking. I made a post on 12/28/2017 regarding drying it.

My mother died of complications from Alzheimers a few years ago. I am determined not to follow suit!

I pulled from my bookshelp, Medicinal Herbs, A Beginner’s Guide by Rosemary Gladstar which was published in 2012. It was a gift from a friend when I went on a cinnamon and turmeric tangent. I found a whole section on rosemary.

Sure enough, according to Ms. Gladstar, “Rosemary is a legendary brain tonic, improving concentration and memory. It enhances the cellular uptake of oxygen and is a mild and uplifting stimulant and it has long been valued for its ability to ease headaches, migraines and moderate depression.”

Among the most famous of all Rosemary Gladstar’s herbal tincture recipes is her brain tonic tincture. The following is the recipe:

1 part ginkgo leaf

1 part gotu kola leaf (scientific name: Cantella Asiatica)

1/2 part rosemary leave

1/4 part peppermint leaf

Brandy, you can also use glycerin or vinegar

Chop herbs fine. Place finely chopped herbs in a clean, dry glass jar.

Pour enough alcohol, glycerin or vinegar over herbs to cover by 2 or 3 inches and seal jar with tight-fitting lid. Place the jar in a warm place and let herbs soak 4-6 weeks, shaking daily. Strain the herbs from the liquid. Pour liquid in clean glass jar. Tinctures with alcohol will last 2 -3 years, with vinegar only about a year! Then drink a bit daily.

Complicated, right?!?

I am on the hunt for Rosemary Water. Has anyone seen it?

Since rosemary is a great brain tonic, start using rosemary in your food preparation or in tea.

Happy Clear Thinking!

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