
Views: 714

I have always loved daffodils! Growing up in Northern Minnesota, I remember my mother planting bulbs in early spring and then digging them up in the fall for storing, to be replanted in the spring. In California, I plant about 500 daffodil bulbs each fall and they duplicate on their own in the ground. Each spring I have more and more daffodils! We have had unusual weather this winter and it seems I have had daffodils in bloom on different parts of my property since the end of January.

There are over 13,000 different varieties of daffodils with many different flower styles. The scientific name is Narcissus, a predominantly spring perennial plant in the Amaryllidaceae family. Common names include daffodil, narcissus, jonquil and daffadowndilly.

Daffodils will grow in all kinds of soil and thrive in either sun or shade.

Symbolizing rebirth and new beginnings, the daffodil is synonymous with spring.

I have many different varieties growing on my property including Mt. Hood, Red Rascal, Cheerfulness, Ice Follies and my favorite, Carlton. I cut daffodils to make an easy and happy floral bouquet when I get up to Napa.

Happy Spring!

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