David Austin roses are here

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I received my David Austin 2018 Handbook of Roses in the mail today, which is always an exciting event. This year’s catalog is a gorgeous, glossy booklet with cover full of – what looks like – Graham Thomas yellow roses. Bonus: they’re offering 15% off if you order before February 28.

One of my favorite things to do when I receive this catalog (besides looking at all of the beautiful photography of roses) is to scout around for new varieties of roses, in my color palette of yellow and apricot.

This year, the new variety I ordered is ‘Lady Shalott’, which looks like orange roses in their photos, but should settle down in my hot & sunny Napa garden to milder shades of yellow/strong apricot. I only ordered 3 bare root climbing roses to try them out in a designated spot in my border garden. We’ll see how they do!

One rose I noticed in the book, which I would absolutely order again is the AMAZING ‘Over the Moon’. I put several of these in my garden last year and they rapidly made it to “my favorite rose in the garden” status. If you have room for an apricot rose which will yield flowers the size of saucers, try this rose!

Go online and check out the latest David Austin roses, and buy a few for your garden this spring – while supplies last!

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