Fall in the Napa Valley

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We were in Napa over the weekend and I couldn’t believe how beautiful the fall is, this year. I expect to see the changing leaves of the grape vines from green to yellow to red this time of year, but what I didn’t expect was how robust my roses are.

Tamara Roses

These full-blooming roses against a backdrop of fall-colored tree leaves creates a dramatic vision throughout the garden that I couldn’t take my eyes off of, this weekend.

Add in my pots of nearly ripe Meyer lemons and you have a very full garden for this late in the season. We can thank Mother Nature for the warm weather we’ve had this fall.

We’re lucky in the Napa Valley that we don’t need to cut our roses back until the end of the year, so we’ll get to enjoy our beautiful garden and roses for another month +.

Isn’t it incredible for the second week of November?!?

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