Garden Conservancy Open Days

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The Garden Conservancy has a fabulous program called Open Days, which makes private gardens throughout the country available to the public each year for a nominal fee. The gardens are cultivated by in-the-know local volunteers and representatives, which provide great joy for garden lovers who would not normally see many of these gardens.

Local volunteers work in partnership with the Garden Conservancy to “man” each garden, to welcome visitors, collect a $7 entrance fee or pre-purchased pass, and provide guidance to first-time visitors. It’s a fun thing to do. Just ask Jan Sargent who volunteered with her daughter Nina for their first Open Days in Santa Cruz in May.

I had the opportunity to work my first shift during a recent Open Days in the Oakland Hills, California. The gardens took me to a part of Northern California that I’ve never seen before. Garden Conservancy President James Brayton Hall volunteered with me, which was a special treat. All visitors were surprised and excited to meet the head of the organization they had heard about for many years. Below are some pictures of the special day we had.

Open Days in the Oakland Hills, California

Be sure to check out the Open Days schedule in your area to see if there is a day that will work for you. Below are some examples of what you might see. It’s also worth seeing if there is an Open Days available wherever you will be vacationing this summer. I can’t imagine a more fun way to augment your vacation.

Check it out… It’s not too late to order an Open Days Directory from the Garden Conservancy for $25.

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