GC Luncheon at the Fall Show

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Earlier this month, the Garden Conservancy partnered with the Fall Show, formerly called the Fall Antique Show, in San Francisco. A small group of west coast Garden Conservancy Fellows organized a luncheon, honoring Bunny Williams at Ft. Mason – Clare Gordon, Trish Turner, Barbara Niemann, me, Sandra Swanson and Suzanne Tucker (pictured below in that order). It was the first time we had done something like this for the Garden Conservancy and it was a wonderful event.

Screen Shot 2019-10-15 at 3.19.40 PMWe had attendees and board members from the east coast, Dallas, St. Louis, Southern California and of course from the Bay Area. We had landscape designers, board members, interior design professionals and a myriad of other interesting and engaging guests.

Screen Shot 2019-10-17 at 4.15.34 PMGarden Conservancy Fellows Ellanor Notides and Helen Spalding

Sarah Parker, Director of Development and Patrick MacRae, Director of Programming for the Garden Conservancy helped to organize the event and joined us for our day.

Screen Shot 2019-10-15 at 6.05.47 PMWe honored Bunny Williams, a long-time friend of the Garden Conservancy who is not only an extraordinary interior designer just out with her seventh book, but she is a hands-on gardener who is intimately involved with the creation and maintenance of her Falls River, Connecticut garden. She opens her garden every year for The Garden Conservancy Open Days for hundreds of visitors. What an inspiration she is!

Screen Shot 2019-10-15 at 3.27.05 PMThe room was gorgeous filled with 130 GC Fellows and members, as well new friends learning about the Garden Conservancy for the first time. How lucky we are to have this partnership with the Fall Show, thanks to West Coast Council member Suzanne Tucker.

Screen Shot 2019-10-15 at 5.55.22 PMBunny with Garden Conservancy Fellows Betsy Everdell and Diane Chapman

Screen Shot 2019-10-15 at 6.01.23 PMGarden Conservancy Fellows Missy Fisher and Sharon Owsley

Thanks to all of you who attended and supported the luncheon, in support of the important preservation and education work The Garden Conservancy does throughout the year. You made a difference!

Enjoy this short video of the event and promise you’ll join us next year.



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