Grandma’s Favorite Poem

Views: 382

I found this poem yesterday, amongst my favorite Grandma’s things and it immediately brought me back to how wonderful and important she was to me. I hope you’ll enjoy this as much as I do.

Friends Are Like Flowers

Friends are like flowers

You can’t have too many!

Some you don’t see around all the time,

but that only makes them seem

more special when they do appear.

Some are best in bunches.

Some you like to enjoy all by themselves.

Some are kind of shy and need encouragement.

Some are big, bold show-offs!

Some are two for a nickel.

Some are worth your last dime.

Some are the hot-house variety that

need a lot of pampering.

Some are hardy perennials you can

always count on to show up.

Some add a festive touch to important occasions.

Some you like to have around all the time.

Some are a comfort when things go wrong,

and such fun when things are right!

Yes, friends are like flowers.

There are dozens of kinds…

Old ones and new ones too.

But the friends who become a life-long joy

are the special ones LIKE YOU!


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