Happy 2018!

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My citrus trees are loaded this year! This morning I picked Washington Navel oranges, Meyers lemons, Santa Teresa Italian lemons, Sanguinelli Blood oranges, Dwarf Owari Satsuma Mandarin oranges and Bearss limes.

I juiced a few of the blood oranges for breakfast and decided to ring in 2018 with Blood orange mimosas. The color is so beautiful!

It is believed that Frank Meier, a bartender at the Ritz Hotel in Paris invented the mimosa in 1925! No wonder I have always loved the Ritz!

I really don’t think anyone needs a recipe to make a mimosa, but here is the standard recipe.

1/3 cup good quality Champagne or sparkling wine.

1/3 cup freshly squeezed blood orange juice (you can juice regular oranges, tangerines, Mandarin oranges and even sweet pink grapefruit).

1 Tablespoon Grand Marnier or Triple Sec.

Add ingredients to a beautiful Champagne flute and ring in 2018!

Carolyn and I wish you all a Happy New Year!

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