Happy Valentine’s Day

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There are several theories about the origins of Valentine’s Day. One comes from Lupercalia, the ancient Roman fertility feast. On this day, celebrated February 15th, maidens dropped love messages into an urn in the town square; single men would then draw a name out of the urn to court the maiden whose name he had drawn for the next year.

The most popular theory remembers the martyring of dear St. Valentine, the patron saint of lovers. It is believed that on February 14, 269 AD, Valentine was beheaded near Rome after trying to help Christian lovers wed; shortly before his death, Valentine sent a farewell note to the blind daughter of his jailer, which he signed “from your Valentine”.

Whatever the origin, Valentine’s Day has become a day of celebrating love, which for many involves the gift of flowers.

Saturday morning I went to the Ferry Plaza Farmer’s Market and San Francisco Flower Mart.  At both, Valentine flowers of every variety and color were beautiful and plenty, including red roses (by far the most popular bouquet given for Valentine’s Day), blossoming branches, multicolored tulips, and my personal favorite, bright red carnations.

While wandering around, I found a floral oasis in the shape of a heart and decided to make a centerpiece.

It was fun and easy to soak the oasis, cut and place the carnations to cover the shape, and instantly have a casual table decor.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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