Health benefits of favas

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I just shared the update about my fava bean crop and because it yielded so many beans, I was curious about their health benefits. It turns out they are a very healthy legume and are dense with nutrition. According to an article in SF Gate, fava beans have no saturated fat or cholesterol and contain a high concentration of thiamin, vitamin K, vitamin B-6, potassium, copper, selenium, zinc, magnesium, folate, iron, manganese and dietary fiber – all nutrients that can benefit your health in a variety of ways. They are also a great source of lean protein.

Here are some of the specific potential benefits, according to a post by Dr. Axe:

1. Help Prevent Osteoporosis

Just one cup of fava beans contains 36 percent of your daily recommendation of manganese. Adults require about 11 milligrams daily. Why is manganese important? It does a lot of things, but your bones love it since it helps increase bone mass. Additionally, it helps reduce calcium deficiency.

2. May Eliminate Hypertension and Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease

Most Americans are deficient in magnesium, and this is important because it plays a role in heart health. Studies show that magnesium can lower blood pressure which reduces the risk of heart disease. Fava beans are rich in magnesium, so eating them can be part of your strategy for a healthy heart.

3. Support a Strong Immune System

Fava beans contain a good amount of copper, which helps maintain healthy blood cells. White blood cells are important because they destroy disease-causing pathogens, ultimately helping eliminate free radicals found in the body.

Copper plays a role in making sure these white blood cells function properly, but the body cannot produce enough of it on its own. Therefore, supplementation through foods, such as fava beans, may help. And without healthy white blood cells, your body is susceptible to illness and infection.

4. Provide Energy

Fava beans provide some much needed energy due to the iron they contain, with one cup providing about 14 percent of the daily recommendation. Here’s how it works. Iron is required to produce hemoglobin, which carries oxygen throughout the body and to your cells. If you’re low in iron, eating iron-rich fava beans could help eliminate fatigue.

6. May Improve Motor Function

Some studies suggest that fava beans may help control Parkinson’s disease symptoms, due to their ability to increase the levels of L-dopa and C-dopa in the blood. They have been to improve the motor performance of patients with Parkinson’s disease without any side effects.

I love fava beans and will always enjoy eating them, but knowing they are healthy too means  I will enjoy them even more!

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