Inside Gardens

Views: 2677

During this crazy pandemic period of time, we’re all just trying to be grounded in our new reality of wearing masks, socially distancing and spending more alone time in the safety of our homes than we ever dreamed possible. Who could ever have imagined 2020 would have been such a year?!?

IMG_2261On the west coast, we’ve had the addition of terrible fires and bad air, so we’ve been relegated to the inside of our air-filtered homes. By the way, thanks to so many of you who have checked in from other areas of the country to see how we’re doing out here – it’s not been an easy year for California! So the only gardens I have enjoyed lately are the views from my windows and my “inside” gardens.

IMG_2263Gardens, and at the moment my inside gardens, are all about beauty and peacefulness to me, and – I don’t know about you – but I’ll take the beauty and  peacefulness wherever I can get it right now!

IMG_2141It’s amazing, but not surprising, how much gardens have meant to all of us during the Covid shutdown. Large numbers of us have returned to nature in 2020, which is a wonderful thing. Data shows that people are gardening more than ever, whether it be working in their vegetable gardens, working on deferred garden projects, learning about plants, writing books about gardens (Ben Lenhardt), attending virtual gardening programs (Garden Conservancy) or reclaiming a lost interest in gardens.

IMG_2264 2Just wanted to share some of my inside garden beauty with you today, wishing you beauty and peacefulness in your own lives. Thank you Grant Rector for creating such beauty for all of us!



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