My early garden

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Alex and I headed up to the Napa Valley for a change of scenery this weekend and discovered that spring has sprung very early this year – perhaps by 3 weeks! I can’t believe all that’s blooming. Even some of my roses are blooming!

Here are some of my favorite blooms…

DDDA6D97-43B2-4B5B-B615-94AEB033C7E5Nuccio’s Gem camellias

EF6B621A-C2A5-4A7B-B47C-FF4E83D2CD0FI didn’t realize the heliotrope I planted last spring was a perennial so you can imagine my delight when I discovered it’s coming back – especially since we can’t buy any new plants with the Covad-19 business closures. I’m thrilled to see this fantastic container (or border) plant returning since it was real favorite last year.


249A86F4-3582-459F-ABAB-173F31C84024My Gold Medal roses are among the first to bloom this year and many of my other roses are only a week or so behind them. I’m guessing next weekend most of my roses will be out. Unbelievable!

F602FFD5-C6A5-4723-AC7E-A06EF26B2D97I love my hellebores! I have no idea which variety they are as they were planted a long time ago, but I love the chartreuse color of these flowers and their reliability from year to year.

E07AE781-7AD7-4D19-91A9-0DED7AB325AACorydalis ‘Porcelain Blue’



All of my white and greenish-white azaleas are in bloom. Don’t you love the chartreuse-colored Heuchera ‘Guacamole’ in the foreground?

B114D39C-5D3F-426B-9514-6FD67C3EB0D1My last remaining yellow camellias!

FD75F987-693C-42F2-9368-B8EE1B00A7E0One of my many clematis plants in full bloom

BD5B0852-A03E-4EA5-BCF2-1585626DE054Yellow primrose


Missing in action: all of my gorgeous Bleeding Hearts from last year’s spring planting. I adore them but they didn’t come back this year. Perhaps I have to view them as annuals, like delphiniums in the Napa Valley. But they break your heart when they don’t come back…and they’re so much work to replant every year, not to mention needlessly expensive. Any ideas for a replacement plant???

Gardens are a wonderful place to spend time right now. Enjoy your own spring gardens!

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