Martha’s Maine Garden

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I have found great pleasure in resurrecting my grandfather’s garden, ever since I returned to his home in Prouts Neck, Maine. Year Nine began on 2/18 by starting seeds in my basement. I place heat mats on plywood over sawhorses and hang grow lights from the rafters to help my onions, shallots, eggplant, peppers, lettuces, brassicas, tomatoes, peas, carrots, beets, spinach, arugula, snapdragons and an assortment of cutting flowers get a head start in a place where the winters are long and the growing season is short.

As soon as my 12×24 foot greenhouse promises temperatures fit for growing, I start moving my plant flats to the greenhouse for humidity and natural sunlight.

April is tricky in Maine. Overnight temperatures can plummet into the 20s so I keep close track of the forecasts and return the plants to the basement for overnight stays, as needed.

I am also busy cleaning and composting the perennial beds right now. My lilacs are greening up and my daffodils and crocuses are blooming – all while cardinals sing to my labors.

Martha & her garden last July

By June, my farm stand containing flowers, vegetables and fresh eggs will be open again. But it does require an early indoor start in Maine!

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