Parisian Farmer’s Market

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We just returned from a trip around Europe with friends and I saw so many beautiful gardens and places I wish to share with you. The perfect place to start is my absolute favorite farmer’s market in the world – the market on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays on Rue Raspail between Rue de Rennes and Rue du Cherche-Midi in Paris, also known as Marché Raspail or Marché Raspail Bio on the Left Bank (in the 6th).

I remember fondly going to this market every Sunday – a very popular day for the market – when I was in Paris for an extended period of time, to load up on my week’s supply of fruit and vegetables. The entire market is a feast for the eyes, as well as a wonderful local community event. It’s also completely biologique (organic). It is a long, open-air market that requires an hour to fully experience, because the last thing you want to do is to rush through it!

Most locals bring a lightweight cart on wheels and work the market from one end to the other, loading up on vegetables, fruit, greens, bread, fish, cheese, honey, spices, nuts & seeds, prepared foods and just about anything you could possibly need for healthy meals at home for the week. They also have beautiful flowers, soaps and limited kitchen utensils & supplies.

I was so excited to have a free Sunday morning with my husband Alex a couple of weeks ago so we could make this pilgrimage together, as he had never seen it before. We waded with the locals through the organized throngs of shoppers, tasting samples of produce and cheese as we made our way through the market. I felt like I was visiting an old cherished friend and was so happy to be there again.

In the prepared food section, we discovered an all-vegetable paella cooking in a large pot which looked fantastic. That was something I haven’t seen before at the market.

Perhaps I’m just sentimental about Paris but I genuinely believe that this farmer’s market is one of the best I’ve experienced anywhere, and something not to be missed when visiting Paris.

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