Peony arrival

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My second round of tree peonies – Alhambra yellow peonies – are in full bloom and they are stunning this year. These particular peonies are my favorite as they large and more showy than any of my other peonies. I only wish that they lasted longer than they do. I’ll be lucky if they’re still fresh this weekend.

I also discovered a newly planted peony in bloom, which is equally stunning. Sadly, I did not write down the variety! I bought it at Van Windens in Napa a few weeks ago so I’ll have to ask them to look up my buying history. Note to self: ALWAYS write down what you buy!

Peonies are my favorite flower, closely followed by roses (especially old-fashioned roses). Maybe it’s because they’re only around for a precious amount of time that I cherish them as much as I do. I’m sad that they will leave me soon, but at least I still have my bush peonies to look forward to.

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