Prouts Neck flowers

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We spent the Fourth of July, as every year, with our dear friends in Prouts Neck, Maine – the perfect place to celebrate America on her birthday, with its American flags, red, white & blue decorated bicycles, multi-generational family gatherings, blue hydrangeas and fireworks. My favorite moment upon arrival is checking out Helen’s latest in her beautiful garden.

This year, Helen had several stand-outs in her perennial garden that I wanted to share with you.

Her purple clematis is always a favorite of mine – climbing up both sides of the bicycle hut.

Helen’s three colors of Masterwort ‘Astrantia’ – white, pink and a deeper pink were out in full bloom. I’d forgotten how much I adore them and will track down some seeds to grow these beauties in my own garden.

Helen’s new pink rose was the most striking new entrant into her garden. There were two flowers in full bloom and they added so much to the impact of her garden.

One of the most important aspects of Helen’s garden are her buzzing bees everywhere. They love nepata of course, and I saw three different varieties of bees buzzing around in delight. Helen has planted several perennials which attract bees to her garden. Well done, Helen!

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