Roger’s Gardens

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One of my favorite things to do when I’m out of town is visit local nurseries and I hit the jackpot during my recent trip to Newport Beach. Rogers Gardens is a local treasure and I think it is singularly the most impressive nursery I’ve ever seen. Rogers Gardens literally has EVERYTHING – and more.

Container succulent section

Rogers Gardens has all kinds of plant areas: shade gardens, sun gardens, vegetable gardens, wall gardens, succulent gardens, edible wall gardens, interior plants, container gardens and color sun gardens – all laid out like beautiful little gardens. I’m sure there are more as the garden areas were endless, but I can’t remember all of them.

Loved the cool shade netting in the upper right that easily lifted up & down.

Rogers Gardens had a robust bulb display for every imaginable tulip, narcissus and tulip you would ever want to plant, which – to me – is even more fun than flipping through a catalog for these wonderful plants.

The way they displayed the plant material in each of the sections was gorgeous, like these pink hydrangeas and beautiful leafy green plants.

There was a seasonal display for Halloween and Thanksgiving, with Christmas garden items already on display in their indoor shop.

If there was something you couldn’t find, they had two customer service kiosks, complete with friendly and knowledgable helpers.

One of the areas I was mesmerized by was the wall garden sections (yes, there was more than one wall garden area – one for shade, one for sun and one for edible plants). Ever hear of a “woolly pocket”? They are recycled plastic bags formed into containers that you can hang on a wall that will hold a plant and provide drainage when watered. What great use of recycled plastic!

Rogers Gardens has a wonderful collection of containers and trellises. I was tempted by these trellises for my vegetable garden, but decided it was too much work to transport them home. BUT, I may call them later if I decide I can’t live without them. Aren’t they adorable?

If you want to buy a plant and put it in a container, all you have to do is bring your wares to the customer potting station which provides everything you need to pot your plant in a container! What a cool idea.

But the two most amazing discoveries were the Landscape Design Studio where you could design your garden with the help of landscape design staff! There is an entire building of these people ready to help you.

And there is an amphitheater-style education area where they offer such classes as flower arranging, a succulent class, a poinsettia workshop, a watercolor class, a centerpiece class, a how to make a wreath class and even a choral performance by the local All-American Boys Chorus. I think I would come to every one of these events with a friend! Of course, they’re often sold out so you have to stay on top of their schedule.

Bring your children and grandchildren to learn about plants and experience being in beautiful nature – in a cultivated and highly curated environment. There is plenty of room to run around. Your kids will enjoy the added bonus of watching the wonderful trains running throughout this beautiful green & white garden of containers, cyclamen, green cabbage and bacopa.

I personally can’t wait to visit this nursery the next time I’m in town to see friends, as I’m sure it’s an ever-evolving experience. Well done, Rogers Gardens!

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