Spring is Here

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Spring seemed to arrive a bit later this year. I didn’t fully get my vegetable garden planted until the third weekend in April.  Last year I planted a good three weeks earlier.

In the last week as the weather has warmed up seemingly overnight, artichokes are ready to pick, the rose bushes are full of buds and my fruit trees are covered blossoms.

At the end of each planting season, I take a look at my planting notes and take stock in plants that worked and plants that did not. Every year, I determine that I planted too many vegetable starts and needed to plant more flowers.

Therefore, I planted a lot less in my vegetable garden this spring. It has only taken me five years to learn the lessons of abundance. This is what I planted: Sun Gold, Sweet 100’s, Roma, San Marzano, Brandywine, Cherokee and Green Stripe tomatoes. Padron peppers, green bush and pole beans, Genova and Amethyst basil, chives, Ambassador and Gold Rush Zucchini, Persian cucumbers and Heirloom “Homemade” cucumbers for making bread and butter pickles this summer.

That is it! I hope to be able to keep up with my harvest this year.

We shall see. I hope you are all planting some vegetables this spring!

My fruit trees are loaded with new fruit and blossoms. It looks to be an epic fruit harvest. I just have to determine how to keep the birds from eating all the fruit. Last year we did not get one ripe cherry! One weekend the fruit was not quite ready…the next weekend it was all gone…eaten by the birds. Any ideas?

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