Sun Valley Meadow Gardens

Views: 284

One of the wonderful things about the Garden Conservancy is that members get to see homes and gardens that one wouldn’t normally have the opportunity to see. That was definitely the case with the special properties we saw on our recent trip to Sun Valley.

For example, check out this amazing view from one owner’s home. It was literally their “backyard”. So, what kind of garden do you create with natural vistas such as this? A natural one, decided the owners of this property.

Notice the natural-looking plant material they chose, borrowing from the look and feel of wildflowers that one would naturally see on a hiking trail in the Sawtooth Mountains surrounding Sun Valley. The flowers in their garden and the meadows beyond all flow together seamlessly.

The owners remarked that, although this landscaping looks as simple as throwing a variety of seeds around to generate a natural look, achieving this look was actually much harder than it looked. Throw in the complication of an epic winter, with massive spring run-off and a late spring, and I’m sure the owners of this particular garden worked doubly hard to get this just right for our Garden Conservancy tour. And it was…just right.

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