Visiting Filoli

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Yesterday, Trish and I visited Filoli in Woodside. I hadn’t been there in years. It was such a treat to see the property again and to discover it’s as beautiful as ever. It was also nice to get out of the house and back to visiting beautiful gardens with a friend, albeit socially distancing with a mask!

IMG_1251One of the special things about our visit was that there were very few people on property so we were able to really enjoy the garden with unobstructed views. Filoli requires that you purchase your tickets in advance, as attendance is limited for the time being.


We really enjoyed this gorgeous view behind the house at the beginning of our tour. How often can one take in a view like this without tons of people all around? It was so beautiful with its water lillies, planting beds in their full glory and its symmetry which we both agreed is important to our gardening and architectural sensibilities.

IMG_1250One of the highlights right now is the rose garden because all of the roses are in full bloom. Each has a plant label and I am always grateful for them so I can learn about new varieties or confirm my guesses about varieties I think I recognize. I am always a fan of ‘Sally Holmes’ which was in full bloom over its trellis and a perfectly positioned and inviting bench, as we entered the garden.


Sally Holmes rose

Also in full bloom are the dahlias in a rainbow of colors. They were beautiful.


There were thousands of annuals planted in their many beds and I couldn’t help but ask, “who planted all of these annuals this year?!?” We were told my a staff member that they haven’t had any volunteers on property to help as usual, since March due to our Covid lock down. It made me grateful that I have almost fully migrated to perennials in my own garden as it’s so much work to plant annuals every year!

After an hour of walking around, we stopped by the shop, which was surprisingly open – and empty. So we made a couple of purchases to support Filoli during this difficult time. My purchase? A garden book, of course.  I can’t resist…

Unknown 2Enjoy Filoli and your own local gardens while you are able to experience them under these extraordinary circumstances. Thanks for a fun afternoon, Trish!



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