Yellow Flowers

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We have had yellow in our garden forever partially (and honestly) because our home is painted yellow. I love the color in our garden, especially combined with white, apricot and purple. Many of my yellow flowers are out now, including the Gold Medal rose above.

IMG_0457My favorite yellow rose, featured above, is Helmut Schmidt. This rose has the most spectacular blooms, especially the first bloom of the year. The flowers are very large and the color is a lovely, buttery yellow.

IMG_7463IMG_0462My Alhambra peonies are prolific bloomers. This three foot tall tree peony plant will easily yield over 50 flowers!

IMG_0459My friend Barbara gave me a Roald Dahl plant that she discovered at the local nursery earlier this year and this bloom is just beautiful. Thanks Barbara! It reminds me of my Graham Thomas roses, but the color is a little richer.

IMG_3377Graham Thomas

IMG_7535My Henry Fonda roses, pictured above from last year, are usually my first roses to bloom. But bucking the trend of everything else in my garden, they are a little later than other roses this year. I am assuming they will be open this weekend.

l1010861The last bit of yellow in our garden is, of course, our Meyer Lemons which are very healthy this year. We have the added bonus at the moment of their flowers coming out with their beautiful fragrance. What a wonderful spring in the garden this year…

Meyer Lemon flowers

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